So I'm obviously not the best blog updater but if you can look past all that I can begin to tell you about my AUDITION EXPERIENCE!!! Yes I had my audition on March 26 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I went with my trustee partner in crime Jazmine, it took about three hours but we arrived right on time. Immediately upon arriving into the fairly difficult to find building we met the amazing new addition to our cool club Andy :). Surprisingly I was expecting maybe thirty to forty people but there were about 120 hopefuls which I must admit was mildly intimidating, since I haven't danced in years. We took off our shoes to get measured and I am very sad to announce that my Disney height is 61 inches :( which in the real world would be 5'1. And all these years I thought I left 5'1 behind in the 6th grade. I'm not too concerned about that since everyone there also thought there were a few minor inches knocked from their height as well. After all that preliminary stuff it was on to the first combination which was fairly easy and very fun! After making the first (very large)cut we moved on to another combination which was longer and more difficult but before we performed that combination we did a pantomime/improvisational skit which involved meeting your favorite Disney character. That entire process I just described to you is most definitely easier said than done. I feel like I did an "okay" job therefore I am not expecting a congratulations email anytime soon...or ever. The wait time for a response is 3-4 weeks which coincides with the interview response time. But all in all it was most definitely a fun process and will most definitely do it again in six months. The advice I can give to any prospective auditioners is most definitely to smile as if that's the only expression you know how to make, even if you are having the toughest time do not by any circumstances let that show on your face. Also be sure to wear comfortable shoes! I brought jazz shoes and ballet slippers and from first hand experience I can tell you NOT to wear ballet slippers, yes you can better see the point and arch of your foot but your feet will not thank you the next day, WILL NOT! If you are wondering what to wear here's a little help as to what I saw there. A lot of people wore tights with spanks and some even wore leotards. For the guys I saw a lot of shorts with tight t-shirts and dance shoes. I also advise that you DO bring a head shot, they do take a photo of you but I think it would give you an extra nudge if they have a photo of you all done up and looking your best. Just be sure to bring your A game and even if it doesn't work out at least you would have met some great people and learned some interesting dance moves :) I wish you thee best of luck! !!!
Here's a cute, girly & quirky look inspired by the pastels of it's a small world and it's hidden mickeys.
How about a quick Q & A!
1. University/College: Southwestern Community College in CA 2. Is this your first time doing the program?: Yessir 3. What Disney theme parks have you been to?: Only Disneyland, WDW virgin :( 4. Favorite Disney ride?: Indiana Jones! 5. Favorite Disney animated movie?: Hmmm I do love Mary Poppins but I'm going to have to say Enchanted, for now. 6. Favorite Disney Princess?: Tiger-lily 7. If you already know your role (i.e.: Operations, Hospitality, etc), what is yours?: QSFB!! Come hang out with me and my turkey leg lunch cart! 8. If you already know, what is your arrival date?: 8.9.10 9. Where will you be living?: Vista Way Baybay! 1o. Tell us something about yourself that you find interesting or that you just want us to know!: I'm Harry potter obsessed, oh and I'm a 3rd year pescatartian (google it) :) Oh and I secretly listen to Demi Lovato...not quite a secret anymore.
I leave you with parting polaroids opposed to a combination of witty words of farewell.
This here is a game with no prize but your own satisfaction. Use your Disney know how and expertise to figure out who this classic character is and message me with your answer. HINT:None this time, you can do it! it's an easy one.
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