Well, well, well. After a month long wait I got a call from Florida and Kristy (the recruiter) left me a message. Luckily I wasn't too surprised since I've been lurking the entertainment discussion board (like all creepy people should) I knew she was going to ask me to switch to Fall Advantage, which would be good news to some but it is just not apart of my plan and something I have no desire to do but I still had hope that she would suggest something else. So after a bit of phone tag we got in touch with each other and of course suggested that i make the switch, she gave me an hour to make the choice and unfortunately I declined, which sucked. But Fall Advantage wasn't what I planned or wanted. At the time I thought I couldn't do it because of the classes I has to take this summer but that ended up not working out, which feels like life is grabbing me by the nape of my neck and grinding my face against a jagged brick wall. But hey it happens, If its meant to be I'll get another chance one day, maybe I'll audition and extend my program. Well now I'm definitely stuck selling turkey legs from a cart just around the river bend from tomorrow land. She did say there was a small chance that something would change but knowing my luck the chances of that are zero to nonexistent. But I've accepted it, moved on and am focused on the now as well as the near future. Well with all that said and done this entry would not be complete without a CONGRATULATIONS to those that did accept their entertainment roles and to those that just generally made it into the program. Well now that the month of May is upon us we can all celebrate the end of everyone's application process and just look forward to our future lives at Disney World.
The result of the "Guess Who" segment:


Before I move on
HEY YOU! Lets get a little closer, here's 10 self evident truths I promise you don't yet know about me.
uno.I have the strangest habit of slipping to a British accent when there is not a British bone in my body...and I'm kinda decent at it.
dos.I might be the only one who loves "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon"
tres.Yeah that's right i still watch Degrassi
quatro.In my past life i was a wizard
cinco.I desperately want to be apart of a flash mob(ask old wise man google)
seis.I love musical theater,now get off my back!
siete.This,this & this make me shed tears of joy due to uncontrollable laughter almost every time. And they're not even that comical but it gets me every time without fail.
ocho.Is fascinated by white supremacists and national socialists, quite ironic.
nueve.I sometimes gets carded for rated rated R movies, because I apparently look like a twelve year old.RIDICULOUS!
dies.Once I offered food to a homeless man that turned out NOT to be homeless, just an avid recyler looking in dumpsters for recyclables. Ouch.
Well I've bored you quite enough, don't you think? TTFN:)

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