I have once again immersed myself into the blogger nation after just about a months hiatus, you more than likely have not missed my absence but boy have I missed you. Besides the mushy stuff there's a Disney rumor that you may or may not know that has been zooming around my noodle for some time now. How does a free suite at any Disney World or Land Hotel sound? Well according too many there is speculation that this might be true. Just read for yourself:
"It's easy! Just go to the concierge desk in any of the three Disneyland Resort hotels, write the pass-phrase on a piece of paper, and hand it to the cast member. You will be given a free suite for up to a week, and all of your room-service and other in-room charges will be waived, as will the cost of meals and park-admission media charged to your room.
Be forewarned that the use of an invalid or expired pass-phrase can get you in serious trouble -- ranging from simply being ejected to having yourself and your family banned from Disney property for five generations. "
Once it gets to the five generations part, it begins to sound a little fictitious, and the source I took it from is pretty hoakey as well but I keep stumbling upon it all over the web...so it makes me wonder. I'm leaning towards the "nothing in life is free" but people can be kicking back in their free suites laughing at my naive idiocy, well if you ever figure it out or if you've done it before, wont you let me know?

The results of the last "Guess Who" Segment
The Lost Boys
The Lost Boys

In closing I'd like to leave you with a D.Duck inspired look I threw together, not my best work but hopefully you find it visually appealing. Thanks for reading & don't forget to follow :)