But on a more realistic note since I am QSFB I've browsed pretty much all the possible work locations and have decided that I don't necessarily mind where they place me, because knowing my luck I'll be the girl stuck with a cart selling turkey legs the size of Hagrid in the smoldering hot Floridian sun sweating like Pumba while getting dark and crispy. I know that seems like the worst case scenario but it will most likely be MY SCENARIO. I've been meaning to call Disney and request Animal Kingdom because at least then I can assure that I'll have reasonable hours since DAK closes earlier than all the other parks. BUT if someone put an Astro Blaster to my head then I suppose I would choose:

On a completely different note I am so pleased to announce that our house is COMPLETE!!! I just got word yesterday that Cassandra found a roommate meaning our QUARTET is official! So if your a Fall CP and loitering around Vista Way feel free to say "whats up" to Alyssa, Jazmine, Cassandra and Kristen.

I've just watched Alice in Wonderland and to sum it all up, it was BLOODY BRILLIANT a red headed friend of mine would say. So I definitely recommend that you watch it and judge for yourself. Well my birthday is kinda in two days, so i guess that's kind of exciting, I'm going to be 19! Which sort of means absolutely nothing. I sometimes wonder why the ages 19 & 20 even exists, it should go from 18 to 21 if you ask me. We'll that's pretty much all I have to say today but I leave you with a parting gift. It's Jazmine, her sister and myself riding space mountain. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing there, but it seems like my arm is in mid fist pump... Space mountain makes one do the most peculiar things, I mean just take a look at the people in the back. Peculiar indeed.
BEFORE I FORGET,hit me up with some questions... I mean if that's okay with you
If so then just click down there If you've passed the green thing then you've gone much to far my friend.
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