First post ever, and i bare god news, I've been accepted into the Walt Disney World College Program for Fall 2010!!! Now that I've ruined the ending of a potentially good story let me rewind a little bit, I applied for the WDWCP on January 28th after getting a phone call from my best friend telling me what the program was, then pushed everything aside and made the program my #1 goal in my life. I had my phone interview on February 8th (which I completely failed...or so I thought). My best friend and I both applied around the same time and went over every single possible question together, but when It came down to the wire my brain turned to Disney putty. I always get extremely doubtful after interviews even if I do make it in the end, I suppose it's because I'm my harshest critic. I spent ten days mentally preparing for the rejection that I knew would come so you can imagine my surprise when I heard the exact opposite. It happened like this (hope your in the mood for a little role play).
I got a call from Jazmine (the bestie) at 2 in the afternoon(went to sleep at 6am). I pick up the phone and she asks.
J: Have you checked the CP facebook group??? A butt load of people have gotten accepted?
A:oh really? No I was sleeping, besides I never go on that group anymore because I'll just feel worse about myself. So no thanks.
J:Uhhh well you should! It looks like they sent emails out at at 3am and then again at 11. So check your EMAIL!
I reluctantly check my email, my laptop if off so I resort to checking it on my phone which for some reason at that moment took FOREVER!! So about a whole minute and thirty seconds go by and then...
There it was staring me in the face, the unexpected email, Sender:Disney College Recruiting, Subject:Your Invitation.

Then came the tears of shocked joy. I'm not a baby I swear, I just have sensitive tear ducts OKAY! haha, no but seriously I tear up pretty much every time I laugh.
Stranger-"oh my gosh she's crying"
my friend-"It's the third time today"
me:"Well then stop being funny, I don't particularly like having a wet face half of the day"
With all that said and done, Of course I'm looking forward to this amazing opportunity but I'm not as excited as I can be and I wont be at that level until Jamine gets accepted, which I have no doubt in the world that she will. Jaz and Walt go together like Seal and Heidi Klum haha, the point is she doesn't need Disney, they need her. We went in this together so that's the way its gonna be. Kapeesh?
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